Rate your email interaction with Nevada 2-1-1

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How was your experience with Nevada 2-1-1?
Was the specialist who emailed you kind, respectful, and helpful?
Do you feel that your needs were addressed by the 2-1-1 specialist?
Was everything clearly explained to you?
Do you now have a better understanding of the options and the resources that may be available to you through 2-1-1?
Did you receive the information or help that you requested?
If no, what was the reason that you did not receive the information or help that you requested?more details
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Did you follow up with the referral agency you were provided?
If no, why did you not follow up with the referral agency you were provided?more details
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Did you receive assistance from the referral agency?
What was the reason you did not receive assistance?
The referral agency did not have funding
You did not meet program qualifications
The agency did not provide the needed assistance
The agency was closed
The contact information provided was incorrect
You chose not to contact the referral agency
Please state the reason you did not receive assistance:
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Overall, were you satisfied with your telephone experience with Nevada 2-1-1?
Would you recommend Nevada 2-1-1 to another?
Would you like to make any additional comments concerning your recent experience with Nevada 2-1-1?
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